A 3-Step Guide for Claims Adjusters Dealing With Homeowners After a Fire ​

A step-by-step guide to ensure proper contact with homeowners


1. Initial Contact with Homeowners or Tenants

Express Your Genuine Desire to Help

When you first approach a homeowner or tenant, it’s essential to convey your sincere intention to assist them during this challenging time. Approach the conversation with empathy and understanding.

“I’m here to help in any way I can.”

This clear and heartfelt statement sets a compassionate tone. It shows that your primary goal is to help, not to push a service or product.

Obtain Permission for Follow-Up Communication

Building a rapport is not just about the initial contact. It’s also about ensuring there is an open line of communication for any future questions or concerns they might have.

“Would it be alright if I give you a call in case you have any questions?”

This question not only seeks permission but also reassures the homeowner or tenant that you are available and willing to support them beyond the initial interaction.

2. Discussing Fire Incidents

Inquire About Their Experience with Public Adjusters

Understanding whether the homeowner or tenant has previously worked with a public adjuster can provide insights into their expectations and past experiences.

“Have you used a public adjuster before?”

This question helps you gauge their familiarity with public adjusters and tailor your conversation accordingly.

If They Have Used a Public Adjuster

If the response is affirmative, delve into their experiences to better understand their expectations and needs.

“Can you share your service experience with the public adjuster?”

This question invites them to reflect on what worked well and what didn’t, allowing you to address any concerns or misconceptions they may have.

If They Have Not Used a Public Adjuster

If they haven’t worked with a public adjuster before, take this opportunity to educate them on the benefits and services a public adjuster provides.

“A public adjuster is a professional who advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating a claimant’s insurance claim. Here’s how I can help you…”

This explanation can demystify the role of a public adjuster and demonstrate the value you bring to their situation.

3. Never Leave Without Contact Information

Collecting contact information is crucial for follow-up and ongoing support. Always ensure you have the necessary details before concluding the interaction.

“Can I get your contact information to stay in touch and assist you further?”

This straightforward request ensures that you have a way to reach out and continue providing support.


Engaging with homeowners or tenants who have experienced a fire incident requires empathy, clear communication, and a genuine desire to help. By following these steps, you can build trust and provide effective support during a difficult time. If you need help with this you can use our services and be on the way!

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