Isn’t It Time You Under Water Damage??

Prepare Yourself…

There are 7 common sources of water damage and each can be a real headache for homeowners.

Every year, the insurance industry deals with a whopping $2.5 billion in claims due to water and mold damage from leaks (don’t worry they still make money).

You want to know…



The average cost per water claim is nearly $7,000.

What might surprise you is that most damage reported isn’t from direct floods but from water sneaking in due to wind, which many insurance policies under cover.

Under cover?

Yes, you do not have insurance to pay for your needs.

Here’s a secret…

no one should be paying for a roof or interior damage without the insurance company paying for most of it.

If you are under cover, it means you’re paying for a policy that doesn’t provide the coverage you thought it did. Here’s what happened, in the 1990s insurance companies like Allstate and State Farm hired Mckinsey and Company to help them decrease their claim pay out.

Mckinsey found that companies were spending so much on roofs, it had to be stopped. So, instead of denying the claims (to keep positive vibes with customers) they instilled deductibles that cut the settlements.  

Have you heard of a

  • Wind deductible
  • Hail deductible
  • Tropical storm deductible
  • Hurricane deductible
  • Roof payment schedule

That’s why it’s crucial to have a policy coverage review with someone that doesn’t sell insurance so that you understand your policy terms before signing up, to ensure you’re fully protected.

Here’s a link to a FREE policy review

The review will also help you understand what’s covered. So,

Let’s Talk About 7 Common Sources Of Interior Water Damage You Should Keep an Eye On:


Windows: After a storm, check around your windows for any water pooling between the frames and jambs. If left unchecked, it can cause serious structural damage and even lead to mold growth.

Floors: Water getting into your flooring can cause direct damage and create a perfect breeding ground for mold. Using moisture meters can help detect hidden moisture early on.

Appliances: Take a peek under your dishwasher and other water-connected appliances for leaks. Over time, these leaks can compromise your flooring and subflooring.

       PRO TIP: If you take too long with this your claim could be denied.

Bathroom Fixtures: Keep an eye on areas around sinks, showers, and bathtubs for any leaks from plumbing lines hidden within your walls. Catching these early can save you from major repair headaches.

Drywall: If you’ve had flooding or plumbing issues, be sure to check your drywall for signs of water saturation. Prolonged exposure can weaken your walls and create ideal conditions for mold.

       DID YOU KNOW…



 mold can grow within 24 hours. Mold only needs heat and a food source to grow.   

Chimneys and Roofs: Storm damage to your roof can let water sneak into your chimneys and attic spaces, leading to leaks that can damage your ceilings and walls. Regular roof checks and quick repairs are a must.

HVAC Systems: Even your HVAC unit can be a culprit. Parts inside can accumulate water, potentially causing mold growth and damage to nearby structures. Regular maintenance keeps everything running smoothly.

Don’t know what to look for??

Get a FREE Claim Guide Here:

By staying proactive and addressing issues early on, you can shield your home and finances from the havoc water damage can wreak.

Feel free to reach out to us at Major Adjusters if you have more questions or need assistance!

In a nutshell, knowing these common sources of interior water damage and doing post-storm inspections are key to keeping repair costs down and protecting your home’s value.

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