Public adjuster expert atlanta

Major Adjusters Manages Your Insurance Claim to Get Your Claim Approved For the Maximum Payout!

Minus The Stress, Headache, & Rigmarole from Your Insurance Company

Public Adjuster Claims Result in Payments that Were 747% Higher

Get A Higher Payout Today...

Ensure Fair Value for Your Claim

A recent OPAGGA (Office of Program and Policy Analysis & Government Accountability) study in the State of Florida showed that public adjusters negotiate up to a 747% larger insurance company settlement for commercial business and homeowner insurance property loss claims than the insurance company was planning to pay out.

Major Adjusters: Let An Expert Atlanta Public Insurance Claims Adjuster Work For You

Expert Atlanta GA Public Insurance Adjusters

Atlanta Claims Adjusters work on behalf of the business or homeowner to verify insurance claims and documents are presented properly by the insurance companies to determine a fair amount for settlement. Insurance claims may range from auto damage, personal injury, property & casualty damage, and more. The adjusters role is to thoroughly investigate the damages and the claim to enure both parties are treated fairly. Your adjuste will ask questions about your policy to determine if there is coverage for the loss, the amount of damage done, to discover exactly what happen, and to verify the value of the damages.

Not Sure How You'd Use A Public Adjuster for Your Claim?

Tell Us Your Damages, And Show Us Your Insurance Policy & We'll GIVE YOU A Policy Review and Property Inspection for FREE! There are several perils that are covered by your policy that are often overlooked. Using a Public Adjuster will be a pleasant surprise because your public adjuster will reveal what is really covered by your insurance policy!

Try a Public Adjuster for FREE

Schedule a FREE, no-obligation property inspection today!

Policyholders who used public adjusters received an estimated $9,379 on their claim, compared to $1,391 for those policyholders that did not use a public adjuster (a difference of 574%).

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